Psychological Safety Lessons from the Dinner Table are inspired by the leadership of Kazuo Inamori, a Japanese philanthropist, entrepreneur, and the founder of Kyocera and KDDI. 🚧 Psychological safety ⚠️ has been around since the early 1990s. Recent research, including contributions funded by Google, expand upon the phrase's meaning of being safe to make mistakes without punishment, being embarrassed, or marginalized to include:
🚧 safe to be part of the group
🚧 safe to learn
🚧 safe to contribute
🚧 safe to challenge the status quo
Avi Schneier, Principal Consultant at Scrum Inc. shares what he learned from Inamori via Ikujiro Nonaka (co-author of the famous HBR article called, "The New New Product Development Game" considered one of the roots of the Scrum framework). Inamori is combining dinner, an honest feedback session, and a retrospective. It is a created psychological safe place geared towards making the company better with honesty and trust for real improvement.
Imagine being able to complain about management, what they are doing wrong, and they are eating dinner with you at the same table. Nobody is at risk of being fired and it is encouraged. Subscribe to never miss new videos here:
It is more than a complaints conversation because the whole company is there and working towards a singular goal, improvement for tomorrow. People voice their concerns and then collaborate to eliminate the problem brought up today by tomorrow.
This is innovation in how management can be different and another example of a visionary business leader. This is leadership versus management.
The EBFC Show 009 - Scrum Beyond PDCA full episode
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