I'm speaking at CLIC 2023. This year it is being hosted in León is one of the cities in the state of Guanajuato, known worldwide as the footwear capital for its enormous production of footwear and leather products. There has also been much construction in recent years, and more ongoing and coming.
Video Credits (León 2023 | La Ciudad Más Importante del Bajío https://youtu.be/qBkLU2MEDcw?si=wNsyWFfyeGrCf_rA):
- J. Ayala:
/ @_juanillov
- ONCE drone films: https://www.facebook.com/ONCEdronefilms
- AltoVuelo TV:
/ altovuelotv & https://www.facebook.com/AltoVueloPro...
- Aventura Cora:
/ @aventuracora
- Abdul Canales:
/ ludbak
- antonio rosales gonzalez:
/ @joseantoniorosalesgonzalez9428
- DrOne IUR:
/ udaveivan
- Mirando Maravillas:
/ mirandomaravillas & https://www.facebook.com/mirando.mara...
- Photographie MRB:
/ @photographiemrb9498
- Savage Sevendust: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
- TOP-G: https://www.facebook.com/topgtopograf...
- Go-Drone:
/ @vrquitectos
- PROTV León:
/ protvle%c3%b3n
- Ocv León: https://www.facebook.com/ocvleon
- León Municipio: https://www.facebook.com/municipio.leon
- Asociación Hoteles de León:
/ @asociacionhotelesdeleon1397
/ @versitalia5514
- Bienes de Alta Plusvalia:
/ @bienesdealtaplusvalia9181
- New House Bienes Raices:
/ @newhousebienesraices